Saturday, January 24, 2009

GG, Ikea, Cucumber and Nana

Those are a few words to describe my day. Today Daddy, Mommy and I went to go see my GG. She was very happy to see me as we are always happy to see her. So we visited for a while. I showed her I now know how to sit up. We went to the front room and played for a little bit. Then GG and I both got tired so we said goodbye. Next we had to go to Ikea. So I slept in the car on the way. When we got there I woke up and Mommy and Daddy let me ride in the cart like a big girl. There was a lot to see there and Daddy was driving the cart really fast. We got my highchair for Evelyn's house and we were on the way home. It was nice outing for the day. Then right after we got home Nana came to watch me for the night so that Mommy and Daddy could go see a movie. I showed her I love to jump in my horse she got me. Then we ate dinner. I had some Cucumber in my mesh feeder while they ate steak. Mommy let me have some of her baked potato. Then Mommy and Daddy left and Nana and I watched a movie.

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