Saturday, May 30, 2009

11 Months Old

Thats right I am 11 months old. I spent my 11 month birthday going to the mall with Mommy for my pictures. Then we went home and played. In the afternoon, Mommy, Grandma and I went to Babies R US/Toy R Us and got a gift for Jasmine, Grandma's friend. Then we went home and ate dinner. It was a nice day.

My current stats are as follows:

Weight: 22 lbs ( I have lost 11 oz.)

Hieght: 28 1/4 inches. ( Grown 3/4 of an inch this month)

Clothing Size: 6-12 Months (mostly)
Diapers Size: 3

Shoe Size: 3

Teeth: 2

Likes: Crawling, feeding myself, Sesame Street, Playing with all my toys and pulling myself on everything I possibly can.


nea said...

How cute! I'm going to laugh if the two of them end up being exactly the same size at age one.

Cassie Beserra said...

Well Mya needs to grow another 3/4 of an inch this month. We will see.